Slide List

Below is a list of all slides featured on the site, whether currently included in pages or not. Note you can press CTRL + F and use your broswer's search function to locate a phrase or keyword in the slide list.

Slide #001 - Which of the parties on this list reflect your interests? Are there any other parties on the list that might do so? (Closed list of parties; several answers possible)

Slide #002 - Which of the parties on this list reflect your interests? Are there any other parties on the list that might do so? (Trend)

Slide #003 - If elections to the State Duma took place next Sunday, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your intention to vote?

Slide #004 - If elections to the State Duma took place next Sunday, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your intention to vote? (One answer only)

Slide #005 - What were your feelings about the news of Boris Yeltsin's resignation from the post of president of the Russian Federation?

Slide #006 - Did your attitude to Boris Yeltsin change when he asked forgiveness of the citizens of Russia for not having fully met their expectations and resigned? If yes, did it change your attitude for the better or for the worse?

Slide #007 - For which of the following parties or blocs would you be most likely to vote if there were elections to the State Duma next Sunday?

Slide #008 - For which of the following parties or blocs would you be most likely to vote if there were elections to the State Duma next Sunday? (Trend)

Slide #009 - Which of the following explanations for Yeltsin's resignation is closest to yours?

Slide #010 - Who do you think won/lost the most from the resignation of Boris Yeltsin?

Slide #011 - Do you think Yeltsin should be given legal immunity and protection after he leaves office?

Slide #012 - Who do you think bears the main responsibility for the difficulties Russia is experiencing now?

Slide #013 - What are the chances of the party or movement for which you intend to vote at the next elections?

Slide #014 - What are the chances of the party or movement for which you intend to vote at the next elections?

Slide #015 - And which of the following parties would you NEVER in any circumstances vote for in elections to the Russian State Duma? (Several answers possible, only the six most rejected parties are shown)

Slide #016 - And which of the following parties would you NEVER in any circumstances vote for in elections to the Russian State Duma? (Several answers possible)

Slide #017 - Apart from voting by party lists, elections to the Duma involve voting for specific candidates in single member districts. What will orientate you most of all in voting for candidates to the State Duma in your single mandate district?

Slide #018 - Apart from voting by party lists, elections to the Duma involve voting for specific candidates in single member districts. What will orientate you most of all in voting for candidates to the State Duma in your single member district?

Slide #019 - Name the five or six politicians who inspire most confidence in you.

Slide #020 - Name the five or six politicians who inspire most confidence in you.

Slide #021 - Which of the politicians on this list reflect your interests? And are there any other politicians on the list who might do so?

Slide #022 - Which of the politicians on this list reflect your interests? And are there any other politicians on the list who might do so? (Several answers possible)

Slide #023 - If presidential elections took place next Sunday, which of the following statements would most accurately reflect your intention to vote?

Slide #024 - If presidential elections took place next Sunday, which of the following statements would most accurately reflect your intention to vote? (Only one answer)

Slide #025 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #026 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #027 - How sure are you that you will vote for that candidate?

Slide #028 - (Only if named a candidate in Q12) How sure are you that you will vote for that candidate?

Slide #029 - What do you like about Boris Yeltsin? (Responses attracting 5% or more)

Slide #030 - What don't you like about Boris Yeltsin? (Responses attracting at least 5%)












Slide #042 - What is your general attitude to a) Putin b) Stalin c) Yeltsin?

Slide #043 - What do you think are the chances of the candidate for whom you intend to vote at the coming elections?

Slide #044 - What do you think are the chances of the candidate for whom you intend to vote at the coming elections?

Slide #045 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. A. For ZYUGANOV or for PRIMAKOV?

Slide #046 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. A. For ZYUGANOV or for PRIMAKOV?

Slide #047 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. B. For ZYUGANOV or for LUZHKOV?

Slide #048 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. B. For ZYUGANOV or for LUZHKOV?

Slide #049 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. C. For ZYUGANOV or for PUTIN?

Slide #050 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. C. For ZYUGANOV or for PUTIN?

Slide #051 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. D. For PUTIN or for LUZHKOV ?

Slide #052 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. D. For PUTIN or for LUZHKOV?

Slide #053 - Which of the following would you NOT wish to see as President of Russia? Who else? (Several responses possible, closed list of seventeen politicians)

Slide #054 - Which of the following would you NOT wish to see as President of Russia? Who else? (Several responses possible, closed list of seventeen politicians)

Slide #055 - Who do you think will become the next President of Russia? (show card; only one reply allowed)

Slide #056 - Who do you think will become the next President of Russia? (Only one reply allowed)

Slide #057 - On what path do you think events in Russia are developing after the election of Vladimir Putin as president?

Slide #058 - On what path do you think events in Russia are developing?

Slide #059 - Do you think that Russia is developing in a right direction or that events lead us in a wrong direction, to a deadend? 1) It�s going in a right direction; 2) Events lead us to a deadend; 3) Don�t know.

Slide #060 - Do you think that Russia is developing in a right direction or that events lead us in a wrong direction, to a deadend?

Slide #061 - How would you estimate Russia�s present economic situation?

Slide #062 - How would you estimate Russia�s present economic situation?

Slide #063 - Do you think that now market reforms should be continued or that they should be ceased?

Slide #064 - Do you think that now market reforms should continue or that they should cease?

Slide #065 - How would you evaluate in general the political situation in Russia?

Slide #066 - How would you evaluate in general the political situation in Russia?

Slide #067 - What marks on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) do you give to the performance of

Slide #068 - What marks on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)do you give to the performance of

Slide #069 - What do you think Russia can expect in the economy in the coming several months?

Slide #070 - What do you think Russia can expect in the economy in the coming several months?

Slide #071 - Which of the problems existing in today�s Russian society make you most anxious? (Several answers: shown are problems listed by at least 20% of sample)

Slide #072 - Which of the problems existing in today�s Russian society make you most anxious? (Several answers: shown are problems listed by at least 20% of sample)

Slide #073 - Have you and your family already adapted to the changes that happened in the country during the last ten years?

Slide #074 - Have you and your family already adapted to the changes that happened in the country during the last ten years?

Slide #075 - Do you think that you personally have benefited or lost from the changes in Russia?

Slide #076 - Do you think that you personally have benefited or lost from the changes in Russia?

Slide #077 - How would you assess your family�s present material condition?

Slide #078 - How would you assess your family�s present material condition?

Slide #079 - What would you say about your mood in recent days?

Slide #080 - What would you say about your mood in recent days?

Slide #081 - Which of the following statements is most relevant to the current situation? 1) Things are not so bad and it is possible to live; 2) Life is difficult but one can nevertheless endure it; 3) Our miserable situation has become unbearable; 4) Don�t know.

Slide #082 - Which of the following statements is most relevant to the current situation?

Slide #083 - By the present moment, have you received the wages, incomes from your main occupation for the last month in full?

Slide #084 - By the present moment, have you received the wages, incomes from your main occupation for the last month in full?

Slide #085 - Do you consider yourself European?

Slide #086 - Do you feel European? Do you feel your affiliation with the culture and history of the European community?

Slide #087 - Do you think it is acceptable to use military force for settling problems of foreign policy facing Russia?

Slide #088 - How hopeful are you that Putin

Slide #089 - What is your attitude to the probable admission of former Soviet republics -the Baltic countries, Ukraine etc. to NATO?

Slide #090 - Are you worried by the fact that Putin...?

Slide #091 - Which of the following do you think meets Russia�s interests better?

Slide #092 - Which of the following do you think meets Russia�s interests better?

Slide #093 - What economic system seems preferable to you?

Slide #094 - What economic system seems preferable to you?

Slide #095 - Do you expect in the autumn the following:--?

Slide #096 - Do you expect in the autumn the following:--?

Slide #097 - What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in politics?

Slide #098 - What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in politics?

Slide #099 - untitled

Slide #100 - PRESIDENTIAL VOTES, 1996

Slide #101 - What is your attitude to the idea that elections by party lists should be abolished and the Duma elected by single member constituencies, that is each candidate to the Duma would be elected separately and individually?


Slide #103 - (If not intending to vote) Why are you unwilling to vote or why do you doubt that you will vote in the elections?

Slide #104 - untitled

Slide #105 - What marks on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) do you give to the performance of a) the State Duma b) the Federation Council c) Vladimir Putin d) Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov?

Slide #106 - (If not intending to vote) Why are you unwilling to vote or why do you doubt that you will vote in the elections?

Slide #107 - Do you think that the present authorities will in the near future be able to make any changes in the situation of the country?

Slide #108 - Do you think that the present authorities will in the near future be able to make any changes in the situation of the country?

Slide #109 - How much confidence do political parties deserve?

Slide #110 - How much confidence do political parties deserve?

Slide #111 - How do you assess the situation with payments of salaries, pensions, and benefits in your town or region?

Slide #112 - How do you assess the situation with payments of salaries, pensions, and benefits in your town or region?

Slide #113 - To which of the following groups of the population would you say you belong? (Barely make ends meet...enough for apartments, dachas etc.)

Slide #114 - To which of the following groups of the population would you say you belong? (Barely make ends meet...enough for apartments, dachas etc.)

Slide #115 - Do you think that within a year our life will become somewhat better, or that no improvement will happen?

Slide #116 - Do you think that within a year our life will become somewhat better, or that no improvement will happpen?

Slide #117 - In your opinion, how did the money income in your household change in the previous month compared to prices?

Slide #118 - In your opinion, how did the money income in your household change in the previous month compared to prices? (Trend)

Slide #119 - What should Russia aim to do in the present situation in Kosovo?

Slide #120 - What should Russia aim to do in the present situation in Kosovo?

Slide #121 - How do you think relations between Russia and NATO will develop after A) the Kosovo conflict? B) development of American anti-missile defence (NMD) systems?

Slide #122 - How do you think relations between Russia and NATO will develop after the Kosovo conflict?

Slide #123 - Do you think Russia should now

Slide #124 - Do you think Russia should now

Slide #125 - How on the whole do you feel about the United States?

Slide #126 - How on the whole do you feel about the United States?

Slide #127 - Who do you suppose bears the most responsibility for the military conflict in Dagestan?

Slide #128 - In the single member district ballot, did you vote for a) a candidate supported by the same party as the one you voted for on the party list ballot, b) a candidate supported by another party , c) an independent?

Slide #129 - What actions from the Russian side would be most effective in the conflict in Dagestan?

Slide #130 - Who do you think could be behind terrorist acts like the bombing in Moscow on 8 August 2000? (Several answers possible)

Slide #131 - What in your opinion is the current conflict in Dagestan leading to?

Slide #132 - Last week the US and British air forces launched a rocket attack against military targets in Iraq. How do you feel personally about this?

Slide #133 - Many people say it would be better if everything in this country had remained as it was prior to 1985. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Slide #134 - The USA intends to withdraw from the anti-ballistic missile treaty of 1972 and create its own national system of anti-missile defence (NMD). What should Russia do in response?

Slide #135 - Do you regret the breakdown of the USSR?

Slide #136 - How would you respond to the following changes to the legislation on elections to the Russian State Duma?

Slide #137 - In your opinion, what idea could now most probably unite Russian society? (Several answers possible; only replies attracting at least 10% of respondents listed).

Slide #138 - Which ONE of the currently existing parties in Russia most reflects the interests of people like yourself? (One answer).

Slide #139 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. D. For PUTIN or for PRIMAKOV ?

Slide #140 - And now I would like to mention several pairs of candidates who may be competing against each other for the Presidency. In each case please tell me for which of the candidates you would vote, or if you would vote against both or would not vote at all. D. For PUTIN or for PRIMAKOV?

Slide #141 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: are they severe enough, not severe enough, or too severe?

Slide #142 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: are they severe enough, not severe enough, or too severe?

Slide #143 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: are they humane enough, too humane or not humane enough?

Slide #144 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: are they humane enough, too humane or not humane enough?

Slide #145 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: Are they completely successful, somewhat successful, somewhat unsuccessful, completely unsuccessful?

Slide #146 - How do you assess the actions of Russian forces in Chechnya: Are they completely successful, somewhat successful, somewhat unsuccessful, completely unsuccessful?

Slide #147 - Do you feel sympathy for the peaceful inhabitants of Chechnya and refugees who are suffering deprivation and dying because of the military operation in Chechnya?

Slide #148 - At the present time, have you received in full your salary or income from your main job for the past month?

Slide #149 - Do you feel sympathy for the Russian military personnel who are suffering deprivation and dying because of the military operation in Chechnya?

Slide #150 - What was the last month for which you received in full your salary or income from your main job?

Slide #151 - Do you feel frightened of the Chechen fighters and terrorists?

Slide #152 - On the whole do you support or oppose the idea of Russia processing and storing spent nuclear fuel from other countries?

Slide #153 - Do you feel hatred towards the Chechen fighters and terrorists?

Slide #154 - Fifteen years ago there was an explosion at the nuclear power station of Chernobyl. Do you think a similar catastrophe to Chernobyl could occur in Russia in the coming years?

Slide #155 - Do you think the Chechens are now getting what they deserve?

Slide #156 - What does the Kursk disaster tell us most of all?

Slide #157 - What do you think motivated the actions of the European Union in judging the anti-terrorist action in Chechnya?

Slide #158 - A year has passed since the beginning of largescale military action in the North Caucasus, how would you assess the results of this action?

Slide #159 - How do you think the conflict in Chechnya will end?

Slide #160 - How do you think the conflict in Chechnya will end?

Slide #161 - How do you relate to the possible separation of Chechnya from Russia?

Slide #162 - How do you relate to the possible separation of Chechnya from Russia?

Slide #163 - What are your main grievances against the current government?

Slide #164 - What are your main grievances against the current government?

Slide #165 - Which of the following politicians do you a) feel sympathy with b) trust? (several answers possible)

Slide #166 - What do you think would be better in the wake of the Kursk disaster?

Slide #167 - (Likely voters) For which of the following parties or blocs would you be most likely to vote if there were elections to the State Duma next Sunday? (One answer)

Slide #168 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #169 - Do you consider that it is necessary to continue military action in Chechnya or begin peaceful negotiations with the Chechen leadership?

Slide #170 - Do you consider that it is necessary to continue military action in Chechnya or begin peaceful negotiations with the Chechen leadership?

Slide #171 - If Boris Yeltsin proposed to stop the bloodshed in Chechnya and achieve a solution to the Chechen problem by means of negotiations , would you support the proposal? If it was proposed by Vladimir Putin?

Slide #172 - In recent days the accident on the atomic submarine �Kursk� has attracted the attention of the whole world. People offer different opinions about the reason for the accident. What opinion is closest to yours? (Several answers possible)

Slide #173 - If they only sent volunteers to the hot spots, would you be willing to go yourself (or send your husband, son, brother or other close person) to Chechnya to fight the bandits and terrorists?

Slide #174 - If they only sent volunteers to the hot spots, would you be willing to go yourself (or send your husband, son, brother or other close person) to Chechnya to fight the bandits and terrorists?

Slide #175 - Do you approve the activity of : a) Yeltsin as president of Russia; b) Putin as prime minister of Russia; c) Seleznev (KPRF) as speaker of the State Duma?

Slide #176 - Do you approve the activity of : a) Yeltsin as president of Russia; b) Putin as prime minister of Russia; c) Seleznev (KPRF) as speaker of the State Duma?

Slide #177 - Who more effectively and quicker than anyone else can bring order to Russia now?

Slide #178 - What considerations guided the navy high command during the Kursk disaster?

Slide #179 - How does the work of the Putin government compare with that of the previous government?

Slide #180 - How does the work of the (current) government compare with the previous governments? (Current government identified by name of prime minister)

Slide #181 - How likely do you think the following events are in the next year or two in Russia?: Russia will be economically enslaved by the West

Slide #182 - How likely do you think the following events are in the next year or two in Russia?: (Russia enslaved, break up of Russia, civil war)

Slide #183 - What explains your intention to vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #184 - What explains your intention to vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #185 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #186 - How likely do you think the following events are in the next year or two in Russia?

Slide #187 - How likely do you think the following events are in the next year or two in Russia?: Russia will break up into separate states

Slide #188 - How likely do you think the following events are in the next year or two in Russia?: Civil war will begin

Slide #189 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #190 - On the whole do you approve or disapprove of the performance of

Slide #191 - Do you think that the government headed by Vladimir Putin works on the problems facing Russia better than the previous governments?

Slide #192 - Do you think that the government headed by Vladimir Putin works on the problems facing Russia better than the previous governments?

Slide #193 - untitled (gender spread of putin voters)

Slide #194 - untitled (age spread of putin voters)

Slide #195 - untitled (education spread of putin voters)

Slide #196 - untitled (adaptation to changes since perestroika spread of putin voters)

Slide #197 - untitled (consumer status spread of putin voters)

Slide #198 - untitled (macro-region spread of putin voters)

Slide #199 - untitled (settlement size spread of putin voters)

Slide #200 - Which of the following politicians do you most trust? (One answer only).

Slide #201 - How would you assess the economic policy pursued by the Putin government: a) Return to the course of Gaidar, Chernomyrdin and Kirienko; b) Continuation of the course of Primakov and Stepashin; c) Follows own course; d) Has no definite course; e) Don�t know?

Slide #202 - On the whole do you approve or disapprove of the performance of

Slide #203 - What in your opinion is �order�? (More than one answer possible)

Slide #204 - What in your opinion is �democracy�? (More than one answer possible)

Slide #205 - Who in your opinion holds real power in the country now? (Several answers possible)

Slide #206 - Are you worried by the fact that Putin...?

Slide #207 - What do you expect most of all from a President that you could vote for? (Several answers possible)

Slide #208 - How successfully do you think Putin has coped in the past year with the problems of:

Slide #209 - How long do you think Putin will retain that level of trust among the population that he enjoys now?

Slide #210 - Would you be for or against increasing the number of nuclear warheads on Russian missiles in reply to the development of the American anti-missile defence system?

Slide #211 - To what extent is Putin close to the following parties?

Slide #212 - On which problems do you think the government should concentrate right now?

Slide #213 - What should be Putin�s position on the conflict in the Duma?

Slide #214 - Do you think that the level of stealing and corruption in the country has changed since Putin was elected president, by comparison with what it was during Yeltsin\'s rule?

Slide #215 - Do you think that the new State Duma of Russia, chosen in elections on December 19 last year will be an effective organ, able to solve the problems facing the country?

Slide #216 - How hopeful are you that Putin

Slide #217 - What are your feelings about the alliance of Unity and the Communists?

Slide #218 - Which of the following parties or political outlooks do you most sympathize with?

Slide #219 - Who do you think won most from the alliance of the Communists and Unity?

Slide #220 - Which of the following parties or political outlooks do you most sympathize with?

Slide #221 - Which side would you be ready to support in this conflict?

Slide #222 - Do you think that the level of stealing and corruption in the country has changed since Putin was elected President by comparison with what it was during Yeltsin\'s period of rule?

Slide #223 - Do you consider that the use of the army, artillery and tanks for the imposition of order in Chechnya is a sign of the strength of the state or of its weakness?

Slide #224 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #225 - When do you think the military action in Chechnya will end?

Slide #226 - When do you think the military action in Chechnya will end?

Slide #227 - Do you agree with the accusations of some representatives of the European public that during the course of the military action in Chechnya, human rights are being violated?

Slide #228 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #229 - If the West applies severe economic sanctions against Russia in connection with the policy of the Russian government in Chechnya, what should the Russian government do? (Several answers possible)

Slide #230 - Are you worried by the fact that Putin...?

Slide #231 - Chechen fighters have left Grozny and are starting to give themselves up to Federal forces. How do you react to this news?

Slide #232 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #233 - Do you consider as legitimate leader of Chechnya:

Slide #234 - Do you consider as legitimate leader of Chechnya:

Slide #235 - Do you think that foreign states and international organizations giving Russia economic aid in recent years in the form of loans and credits are really trying to stabilise the economic and political situation of Russia?

Slide #236 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #237 - Do you consider that the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund, with which that organisation ties the issuing of new credits to Rusia, help or harm Russia?

Slide #238 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #239 - What is your attitude to the idea of �Russia for the Russians!�

Slide #240 - untitled - blank slide

Slide #241 - What good things did the years of Yeltsin�s rule bring?

Slide #242 - What bad things did the years of Yeltsin�s rule bring? (Replies of 15% or more)

Slide #243 - In historical perspective, do you think the Yeltsin epoch brought more good or more bad to Russia?

Slide #244 - Do you think it was necessary to start radical reforms of the political and economic system in 1991?

Slide #245 - What policy should the government of Russia pursue in Chechnya right now?

Slide #246 - What policy should the government of Russia pursue in Chechnya right now?

Slide #247 - Which of the following assessments of the work of the State Duma/Federation Council would you agree with?

Slide #248 - Which of the following assessments of the work of the State Duma would you agree with?

Slide #249 - What do you think have been Putin's main successes since he came to power?

Slide #250 - What do you think have been Putin's main successes since he came to power?

Slide #251 - What do you think is happening right now in Chechnya?

Slide #252 - What do you think is happening right now in Chechnya? (Trend)

Slide #253 - Do you think that in the future Chechnya will remain part of Russia or become an independent state?

Slide #254 - Do you think that the Russian authorities will eventually be able to resolve the situation in Chechnya and ensure peace and order there?

Slide #255 - What are your main grievances against Vladimir Putin as president of Russia?

Slide #256 - What are your main grievances against Vladimir Putin as president of Russia?

Slide #257 - How much are you interested in accusations of corruption made against high-ranking officials of Russia?

Slide #258 - Do you think there is a �market� or �market relations� in Russia right now?

Slide #259 - What in your opinion is a �market� or �market relations�?

Slide #260 - Do you think that the proposal of USA to amend the treaty of the late 70s on anti-ballistic missile weaponry in order to use these weapons against Iraq and other unfriendly states corresponds to or goes against Russia's interests?

Slide #261 - Do you think there is more order or less order in Russia now than a year ago?

Slide #262 - Q. In your opinion - what political system is most favourable for Russia: Soviet, the current one or Western democracy?

Slide #263 - Have your hopes been fulfilled in connection with a) the coming to power of Vladimir Putin b) the election of the current State Duma?

Slide #264 - Have your hopes been fulfilled in connection with a) the coming to power of Vladimir Putin b) the election of the current State Duma?

Slide #265 - Are you worried by the fact that Putin has not yet been able to solve the Chechen problem/ end the military action there?

Slide #266 - Are you worried by the fact that Putin has not yet been able to solve the Chechen problem/ end the military action there?

Slide #267 - Has the situation in Chechnya improved in the last six months, stayed the same or gotten worse?

Slide #268 - Has the situation in Chechnya improved in the last six months, stayed the same or gotten worse? (Trend)

Slide #269 - To what extent do you think the following currently deserve trust: A) fully deserve trust; B) don�t fully deserve; C) deserve none; or Don�t know?

Slide #270 - Q. Which words would you use to describe your attitude to Vladimir Putin? Dmitry Medvedev?

Slide #271 - On what in your opinion should state money (budgetary and extra-budgetary) be spent first and foremost? (More than one answer)

Slide #272 - Q. Who will become the President of Russia in 2012?

Slide #273 - What do you expect for yourself and your family from reforms in the following areas? (1=Only good; 5=only bad) B. And at what tempo do you think these reforms are going now? (1=Actively pursued; 4=Stalled). 8=Never heard of it; 9=Don�t know

Slide #274 - Which of the following opinions about strikes is closest to yours?

Slide #275 - Do you think it is right to adopt a new labour law which will allow employers to regulate the number of workers and will give employers the right to lengthen the working week?

Slide #276 - Are you on the whole for or against softening currency controls in Russia (in particular, the recently signed decision to allow citizens to transfer abroad up to 75,000 dollars per year)?

Slide #277 - Are you on the whole for or against allowing foreign banks to work in Russia and invest money in the Russian economy?

Slide #278 - Do you think that citizens of Russia and of other countries should have equal rights and guarantees in the ownership of land in Russia?

Slide #279 - Who do you think is/should be responsible right now for provision of electricity and heating to enterprises, organizations and houses?

Slide #280 - What will you do if starting from next year in connection with reforms the price of communal services increases two or two and half times?

Slide #281 - Who do you think holds real power in most districts of Chechnya?

Slide #282 - How would you assess the losses, the toll of victims of the conflict in Chechnya?

Slide #283 - Do you think the "cleansings" which Russian soldiers carry out in various districts of Chechnya are necessary or justified, or do you think that these actions are senseless and inhuman toward the peaceful inhabitants of Chechnya?

Slide #284 - Do you think the state\'s role in the Russian economy is enough, too little or too much?

Slide #285 - Do you think that the state now controls the activities of \'oligarchs\' or do you think the oligarchs, as before, \'hire\' the authorities and senior officials for their own purposes?

Slide #286 - In autumn 1992 citizens of Russia were given privatization cheques (\'vouchers\'), which signalled the start of mass privatization of state enterprises. Do you remember what you did with your voucher?

Slide #287 - There are different opinions about the privatization cheques (\'vouchers\') that were given to the population. Which of these opinions is closest to yours?

Slide #288 - Do you think you personally or your family won or lost more from the privatization of state property?

Slide #289 - What do you think would be the best thing to do now about past privatization?

Slide #290 - Do you think the terrorist attacks which occurred in the USA are the internal affair of the Americans, or do they concern all humanity?

Slide #291 - Do you think a repeat of similar terrorist attacks is possible in other countries in the coming days?

Slide #292 - How would you react if the United States launched rocket and bomb attacks on terrorist bases in various countries?

Slide #293 - Do you think attempted incursions by the Taleban into Tajikistan are possible in the near future?

Slide #294 - What do you think Russian troops should do if there is an attempted incursion by the Taleban into Tajikistan: take military action or avoid getting caught up in the situation?

Slide #295 - What do you think Russia\'s position should be in a conflict between NATO on the one hand and their opponents in the Muslim world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.) on the other?

Slide #296 - Do you support on the whole the military actions of the USA and Britain in Afghanistan?

Slide #297 - Would you support military actions by the USA against countries in which the USA considers there to be terrorist bases, such as Iraq, Libya, Somalia and others?

Slide #298 - What do you think most influenced Vladimir Putin\'s declaration of firm support for the USA in the struggle against international terrorism?*

Slide #299 - Which view is closer to your own: A) the Taleban are a threat to world civilization or B) the Taleban have the right to live according to their own laws and represent a threat no greater than the USA?

Slide #300 - Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to a new world war?

Slide #301 - When you speak about a Third World War, who do you think will be fighting with whom?

Slide #302 - Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to the destabilization of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?

Slide #303 - Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan will succeed on the whole in getting rid of the threat of international terrorism?

Slide #304 - Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to new terrorist acts by muslim extremists in various countries, including Russia?

Slide #305 - How has your attitude to the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya changed?

Slide #306 - How on the whole do you assess the progress of the operation in Afghanistan?

Slide #307 - How on the whole would you assess the current situation in Afghanistan?

Slide #308 - Are you worried by the strengthening of the US military presence in Central Asia?

Slide #309 - What do you think was the main reason for the closure of TV-6?

Slide #310 - Do you think Putin played a part in deciding the fate of TV-6?

Slide #311 - Why do you think many people don't want to serve in the army these days?

Slide #312 - Do you think an alternative to military service should be available only to those who can prove that their religious and ethical convictions do not allow them to carry weapons or do you think it should be available to everyone who doesn't want to serve in the ranks?

Slide #313 - Do you know what the World Trade Organization (WTO) is, and if so, do you think Russia should join this organization as soon as possible or delay entering it?

Slide #314 - Do you think the United States and Russia are allies in the world arena or opponents?

Slide #315 - How should Russia react if the USA begins a military operation to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq?

Slide #316 - Recently a film made with the support of Boris Berezovsky was brought to Russia and shown to journalists. The film suggests that the bombings of apartment houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999 were organized by Russian security services. What do you personally think about this?

Slide #317 - With which of the following opinions about the investigation of the bombings do you most agree?

Slide #318 - Do you think Berezovsky's film about the 1999 bombings should be shown on national television?

Slide #319 - Have you or your close relatives participated in the events in Chechnya in the period from 1994 to 2002?

Slide #320 - Do you think it is in Russia's interests or do you think it is against Russia's interests to get closer to NATO?

Slide #321 - Do you know what the World Trade Organization (WTO) is, and if so, do you think entering the WTO and removing barriers to the movement of foreign goods into Russia and Russian goods abroad would be good or bad for the Russian economy right now?

Slide #322 - Which point of view is closest to your own: a) the problem of terrorism can be resolved only by destroying the terrorists; or b) even with terrorists it is necessary to find negotiated solutions satisfactory to all?

Slide #323 - Have you heard about the redistribution of committee chairs within the State Duma from the Communists to Unity, Fatherland, Right Forces, Yabloko and others? If so, what was your reaction to this redistribution?

Slide #324 - Did you hear or read Putin's state-of-the-nation address to both houses of parliament on April 18? If so, what impression did it make on you?

Slide #325 - People give different assesments of Putin's performance as President of Russia. Which of these views is closest to your own?

Slide #326 - Do you think that during Putin's years in power the influence of the security services on Russian life has increased, stayed the same or decreased?

Slide #327 - Do you think that the increase of the influence of the security services on Russian life is a good thing, a bad thing, or a mixture of both?

Slide #328 - Which of the following institutions do you think fights crime most effectively in Russia?

Slide #329 - What do you think brings Russia and the United States closer together?

Slide #330 - And what do you think pushes Russia and the United States apart?

Slide #331 - As to how our past and present leaders conducted negotiations with the United States, do you think they A) got significant concessions from the USA, B) made mutual compromises, C) gave too much away, D) followed too hard a line, holding up negotiations or E) don�t you know?

Slide #332 - Which of these parties would you call the 'party of power'?

Slide #333 - Name the best known leaders of the following parties (several answers permitted):

Slide #334 - Which sections of the population do you think will vote for the following parties? (Several answers permitted)

Slide #335 - Do you approve of Putin's actions in the following areas?

Slide #336 - How do you think the inclusion in NATO of Eastern European and Baltic states affected the security of Russia?

Slide #337 - Do you think that Russia should strive to join NATO?

Slide #338 - Have you heard about the problem of 'capital flight' from Russia, and if so what line do you think the Russian government should take in fighting the problem of capital flight?

Slide #339 - Some say that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with Chechens on equal terms, while others say that they understand only the language of force, and will interpret attempts to conduct a dialogue as a sign of weakness. Which view is closest to your own?

Slide #340 - Do you think the Chechen fighters are linked with international terrorist organizations?

Slide #341 - Where in your opinion do relations between ordinary people and the state take on the most normal and humane character?

Slide #342 - Where in your opinion are relations amongst ordinary people themselves most humane and good- hearted?

Slide #343 - What is your attitude to the fact that on construction sites you can see more and more workers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other states of the 'near abroad?'

Slide #344 - What policy do you think the Russian government should adopt towards immigration from the 'near abroad?'

Slide #345 - Many would agree that a large part of trade in the markets of Russian cities is controlled by people from southern republics. Why do you think that is?

Slide #346 - Two years have passed since the sinking of the atomic submarine Kursk. The state commission has established that a rocket fuel explosion caused the sinking. Do you think it was an accident?

Slide #347 - Do you think good medical care is available to you or members of your family if you need it?

Slide #348 - Do you think you (your children/grandchildren) have access to a good education if you need it?

Slide #349 - Do you think that people in your town or district can, if they need it, get a good job which uses their qualifications?

Slide #350 - Would you be for or against further integration with Belarus?

Slide #351 - What form of integration with Belarus would you most favour?

Slide #352 - Would you support military actions by the USA against countries in which the USA considers there to be terrorist bases, such as Iraq, Libya, Somalia and others?

Slide #353 - Do you think the terrorist attacks which occurred in the USA are the internal affair of the Americans, or do they concern all humanity?

Slide #354 - Do you think Putin was right to give full support to American actions under the banner of the struggle against international terrorism?

Slide #355 - Do you think that in the time since September 11 last year Russia and USA have gotten closer together?

Slide #356 - Do you think that in the time since September 11 last year the countries of the world have united against the threat of international terrorism?

Slide #357 - Do you think that in the time since September 11 last year the threat of terrorist attacks has reduced or, on the contrary, increased?

Slide #358 - Do you think that in the time since September 11 last year the danger of a new world war has reduced or, on the contrary, increased?

Slide #359 - In order for Russian forces to carry out searches for Chechen fighters on the territory of Georgia would you approve of the following:�?

Slide #360 - Can an American military operation in Iraq be justified if Saddam Hussein does not accede to the demands of the UN Security Council regarding controls on production of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Slide #361 - What in your opinion was the purpose of the USA�s military action against Iraq?

Slide #362 - How should Russia react if the USA begins a military operation to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq?

Slide #363 - During the disorder in Moscow on 3-4 October 1993, do you think that the use of military force to take control of the situation was justified?

Slide #364 - Do you know what the World Trade Organization (WTO) is, and if so, do you think entering the WTO and removing barriers to the movement of foreign goods into Russia and Russian goods abroad would be good or bad for the Russian economy right now?

Slide #365 - What in your opinion was the real reason for the bloody confrontation between the supporters of president Yeltsin and the supporters of the Supreme Soviet, Khasbulatov and Rutskoi in Moscow on 3-4 October 1993?

Slide #366 - What in your opinion was the real reason for the bloody confrontation between the supporters of president Yeltsin and the supporters of the Supreme Soviet, Khasbulatov and Rutskoi in Moscow on 3-4 October 1993?

Slide #367 - To what extent do you think the following currently deserve trust: A) fully deserve trust; B) don�t fully deserve; C) deserve none; or Don�t know?

Slide #368 - Do you agree with the accusations of some representatives of the European public that during the course of the military action in Chechnya, human rights are being violated?

Slide #369 - Since Vladimir Putin� s election, what has changed in a) the economic situation of the country b) the living standards of the population c) the situation of science, culture and education d) freedom of speech, press and travel e) position of Russia in the world f) level of defense capability of Russia g) situation in Chechnya?

Slide #370 - Since Vladimir Putin� s election, what has changed in a) the economic situation of the country b) the living standards of the population c) the situation of science, culture and education d) freedom of speech, press and travel e) position of Russia in the world f) level of defense capability of Russia g) situation in Chechnya?

Slide #371 - How do you think the problem of Chechnya can be solved?

Slide #372 - Did you hear that Chechen terrorists took several hundred people hostage in a Moscow theatre this week? If so, who do you think bears responsibility for this incident?

Slide #373 - What are your feelings about the terrorists who seized hostages in Moscow?

Slide #374 - Do you think it is possible in hostage situations to make concessions to the terrorists, such as:�?

Slide #375 - Should the federal authorities in response to this incident take decisive measures against Chechen fighters, such as those taken by the Americans after September 11 (bombing bases of Chechen fighters, etc.)?

Slide #376 - How do you think the hostage incident will affect the development of events in Chechnya?

Slide #377 - Do you think it is necessary to fulfil the demands of the terrorists and withdraw federal forces from Chechnya immediately?

Slide #378 - Do you think that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians are separate peoples or three branches of one people?

Slide #379 - Which of the following human rights do you think is most important?

Slide #380 - How successfully do you think Putin has coped in the past year with the problems of:

Slide #381 - Do you support proposals that a) all members of the Duma be elected in personally in single-member districts, rather than half being from party lists, as now? Or b) all members of the Duma be elected on party lists rather than in single-member districts?

Slide #382 - We hear more and more often about incidents where terrorists take hostages and present demands to the authorities. What do you think is most important in such situations?

Slide #383 - What do you think was the main cause of the large loss of life during the operation to free the hostages at the Moscow theatre? (More than one reply permitted)

Slide #384 - The UN security council adopted a resolution requiring Iraq to admit foreign observers to inspect its military facilities, or, in other words, to unconditionally and completely disarm. Was Russia right to support the resolution?

Slide #385 - Do you think the US is trying to solve the 'Iraq problem' without unnecessary use of force or do you think it is trying to find any pretext to invade Iraq?

Slide #386 - With which countries do you think Russia should co-operate most of all in its foreign policy?

Slide #387 - Which of the following views of Middle Eastern countries is closest to your own?

Slide #388 - What is your attitude to the US military campaign in Iraq?

Slide #389 - Do you think that NATO (the North Atlantic alliance) is, first and foremost�?

Slide #390 - In recent years several Central and East European (CEE) countries have joined NATO or are about to join it. Do you think this is being done�?

Slide #391 - How do you think the inclusion in NATO of Eastern European and Baltic states affected the security of Russia?

Slide #392 - Do you think Russia should in future continue to form its army using people under compulsory military conscription?

Slide #393 - Do you know what the energy reforms involve?

Slide #394 - How do you think the energy reforms will affect people like you?

Slide #395 - In March this year will be the 50th anniversary of Stalin's death. How do you assess his role in the history of our country?

Slide #396 - Which of the following opinions about Stalin would you most agree with?

Slide #397 - What is your attitude to the US military campaign in Iraq? (In January, the question asked about preparations for a military operation against Iraq)

Slide #398 - What was the price of US success in the Iraq war?

Slide #399 - Who do you think should play the central role in the reconstruction of Iraq, the United States or the United Nations (UN)?

Slide #400 - What do you think the Americans have brought to Iraq?

Slide #401 - How on the whole do you think President Putin responded to the US military operation in Iraq?

Slide #402 - Which of the following assessments of the Russian leadership�s actions in the Iraq conflict would you agree with?

Slide #403 - Do you think reviewing the results of the 1990s privatizations would help or harm the political situation in Russia right now?

Slide #404 - Do you think reviewing the results of the 1990s privatizations would help or harm Russia's economy right now?

Slide #405 - With which of the following opinions about reviewing the results of the 1990s privatizations do you most agree?

Slide #406 - If one tried to review the results of the 1990s privatizations, who do you think would get the riches of the 'oligarchs'?

Slide #407 - Here is a scale ranging from a low of 1 to a high of 10: 1 means complete dictatorship and 10 means complete democracy. A) Where would you like our country to be? B) Where would you place our country before perestroika? C) Where would you place our country at the present time?

Slide #408 - A) Who deserves the most credit for recent increases in salaries, pensions and benefits? B) Who deserves the most blame for recent increases in prices and the cost of living?

Slide #409 - Do you think it was necessary to send Russian troops into Chechnya in 1999, or do you think it would have been enough to use troops to seal off the border and wait for healthy political forces to appear in Chechnya?

Slide #410 - Which of the following parties did you know about before today?

Slide #411 - Which party do you think will win the most votes in the elections?

Slide #412 - Do you think the following parties support the president and government of Russia or are in opposition?

Slide #413 - If Putin declares his intention to join United Russia, how will that change your attitude to�

Slide #414 - (Only if chooses a party in Q1). How sure are you that you will vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #415 - What explains your intention to vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #416 - What explains your intention to vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #417 - Which of the following parties did you know about before today?

Slide #418 - On the whole do you approve or disapprove of the performance of the Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission, Aleksandr Veshnyakov?

Slide #419 - Some people think the authorities in Russia are at present attacking freedom of speech, whilst others think that the authorities are in no way threatening freedom of speech. Which view is closest to your own?

Slide #420 - Some people think the authorities in Russia are at present attacking freedom of speech, whilst others think that the authorities are in no way threatening freedom of speech. Which view is closest to your own?

Slide #421 - Do you think the intensification of state control over the media would help or harm Russia right now, or would it neither help nor harm?

Slide #422 - Do you think the intensification of state control over the media would help or harm Russia right now, or would it neither help nor harm?

Slide #423 - Do you think that elections to the State Duma this year will be on the whole conducted according law and honest, or do you think they will be dirty (marred by slander, pressure on voters and machinations with ballot papers, etc.)?

Slide #424 - On the eve of the elections to the State Duma, the debates of the leaders of political parties will be shown in television. Will you watch these debates?

Slide #425 - Do you think these debates should be conducted 'live', that is broadcast direct from the studio, or do you think they should be recorded and broadcast after necessary editing?

Slide #426 - What do you think about the criminal proceedings against and arrests of the leadership of the company Yukos?

Slide #427 - In the Yukos affair, do you think the Prosecutor's Office is acting on its own initiative or fulfilling Putin's orders?

Slide #428 - Do you think the current developments around the company Yukos will lead to improvement or deterioration in �?

Slide #429 - (Only if chooses a party in Q1). How sure are you that you will vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #430 - What explains your intention to vote for this party or bloc?

Slide #431 - Which of the following parties did you know about before today?

Slide #432 - Which party do you think will win the most votes in the elections?

Slide #433 - Do you think that elections to the State Duma this year will be on the whole conducted according law and honest, or do you think they will be dirty (marred by slander, pressure on voters and machinations with ballot papers, etc.)?

Slide #434 - Have you experienced any pressure or persuasion to take part in the elections and support a particular candidate or party, and if so, where did the pressure come from?

Slide #435 - Do you think the campaign against the 'oligarchs' has begun in all seriousness and will lead to the limitation of their economic and political power in this country?

Slide #436 - Do you think the Yukos affair will increase or decrease public trust in the General Prosecutor\'s Office? And in President Putin?




Slide #440 - Would you like to see Russia first and foremost a great power, respected and feared by other countries; or a country with a high standard of living, even if not one of the strongest countries in the world?

Slide #441 - Which of these statements are you more inclined to agree with, and how much? State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise OR An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs?

Slide #442 - Which of these statements are you more inclined to agree with, and how much? State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise OR An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs?

Slide #443 - With which countries do you think Russia should co-operate most of all in its foreign policy?

Slide #444 - What in your opinion was the purpose of the USA�s military action against Iraq?

Slide #445 - What is your attitude to the temporary occupation of Iraq by US troops?

Slide #446 - Which of the following views of Middle Eastern countries is closest to your own?

Slide #447 - How on the whole do you feel about the United States?

Slide #448 - A) Do you agree with the view that oligarchs in Russia right now have almost unlimited power: they do whatever they please? B) What about higher state officials? Do you agree that they have almost unlimited power: they do whatever they please?

Slide #449 - Where do you think there is more corruption: at the lower levels of state organs or at the top?

Slide #450 - Do you think there is more corruption and abuse of power in the highest state organs than a year ago?

Slide #451 - Why do you think United Russia won the elections to the State Duma?

Slide #452 - How do you think the new State Duma in which United Russia holds a majority of seats and all committee posts will work?

Slide #453 - Which issues do you think should get debated most during the presidential campaign? B) And which do you think aren�t worth discussion during the campaign?

Slide #454 - How do you assess the actions of those State Duma deputies who were elected as independents or for parties which didn't get many seats and then joined the Duma fraction of United Russia?

Slide #455 - If you think not of the upcoming presidential elections but of the 2008 election in which Putin, according to the Constitution, cannot stand, how would you be inclined to vote?

Slide #456 - How would you react to the following proposals concerning the presidency

Slide #457 - Putin's victory in the presidential elections in March 2004 seems inevitable. In these conditions, would you agree or disagree with the view of saving money by not holding an election?


Slide #459 - Do you support the decision to replace existing benefits in kind such as free or subsidized communal services, telephone bills, medecines and public transport with monetary compensation?

Slide #460 - Do you think that the replacement of existing benefits in kind with cash payments will affect the material situation of your family and if yes, in what way?

Slide #461 - Who would you vote for in Russian presidential elections if Putin did not take part, or would you not vote, or vote against all?

Slide #462 - Blank Slide

Slide #463 - How worried are you that Putin

Slide #464 - How worried are you that Putin

Slide #465 - Why do you think the terrorists were able to organize the seizure of hostages in Beslan? (Several answers possible.)

Slide #466 - Do you think the authorities are telling the truth about the events in Beslan?

Slide #467 - What is your attitude to the proposal to abolish election of governors by the population of the regions and choose them through regional legislatures on nominaton by the President of Russia?

Slide #468 - What is your attitude to the proposal to abolish elections to the State Duma in single-member districts so that all deputies are elected on party lists?

Slide #469 - Are you afraid that you or your relations will be victims of a terrorist attack?

Slide #470 - In order to provide for defence against terrorists are you ready to agree with the following measures:

Slide #471 - Is there a worldwide conspiracy against Russia?

Slide #472 - Do you support introducing changes to the Russian constitution to allow Vladimir Putin to be elected for a third presidential term?

Slide #473 - Will it be possible to create peace and order in Chechnya?

Slide #474 - We hear more and more often about incidents where terrorists take hostages and present demands to the authorities. What do you think is most important in such situations?

Slide #475 - According to the constitution, Vladimir Putin cannot take part in the presidential elections in 2008. What should he do in this situation?

Slide #476 - Some say that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with Chechens on equal terms, while others say that they understand only the language of force, and will interpret attempts to conduct a dialogue as a sign of weakness. Which view is closest to your own?

Slide #477 - What is your attitude to the proposal to abolish elections to the State Duma in single-member districts so that all deputies are elected on party lists?

Slide #478 - At the present time, have you received in full your salary or income from your main job for the past month?

Slide #479 - What was the last month for which you received in full your salary or income from your main job?

Slide #480 - Will the replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensation affect the material situation of your family, and if so, in what way?

Slide #481 - Do you think the replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensation will do more good than harm to the country or more harm than good?

Slide #482 - Do you think the replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensation will do more good than harm to the country or more harm than good?

Slide #483 - Do you support the decision to replace existing benefits in kind such as free or subsidized communal services, telephone bills, medecines and public transport with monetary compensation?

Slide #484 - If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Slide #485 - Do you personally use the Internet (apart from electronic mail) at home, at work or in any other place? If yes, how often?

Slide #486 - Do you personally use the Internet (apart from electronic mail) at home, at work, or in any other place? If yes, how often?

Slide #487 - In the 2008 presidential elections, in which according to the constitution Putin cannot take part, would you vote for a candidate proposed by Putin or would you vote on pronciple for another candidate?

Slide #488 - In the 2008 presidential elections, in which according to the constitution Putin cannot take part, would you vote for a candidate proposed by Putin or would you vote on pronciple for another candidate?

Slide #489 - Do you think that elections to the State Duma this year will be on the whole

Slide #490 - Q5-t. Which parties have you heard of? Any others? What else? (More than one answer)

Slide #491 - The interests of which sectors of the population are represented by

Slide #492 - Q. How would you react if United Russia became the ruling party in Russia for many

Slide #493 - Q. Do you agree with those who say that United Russia is the CPSU of today?

Slide #494 - Q. Do you think that United Russia is an independent party or only an instrument in the

Slide #495 - Q. What would be your attitude if the president elected next March resigned after a

Slide #496 - Should Duma deputies have the right to leave their party? Should Duma deputies be able to vote as they choose?

Slide #497 - Q. Is the fact that almost all power in this country is concentrated in the hands of Vladimir

Slide #498 - Q. Is the fact that almost all power in this country is concentrated in the hands of Vladimir

Slide #499 - Q. (A) What was most important for your family in the 1980s? (B) What about now?

Slide #500 - Q. What is most important for your family today?

Slide #501 - Q. Do you think Russia needs a state Duma, or the life of the country could be just as well

Slide #502 - Q. Will you protest if the party, for which you intend to vote is taken off the ballot on some false pretext or if votes are taken away from it during the vote count?

Slide #503 - Q. What do you think is the best economic system for Russia?

Slide #504 - Q. What do you think is the best economic system for Russia?

Slide #505 - Q. In which party�s interests do you think the election will be manipulated?

Slide #506 - Q. In which party�s interests do you think the election will be manipulated?

Slide #507 - Q. How many political parties does Russia need now?

Slide #508 - Q. How many political parties does Russia need now?

Slide #509 - Q. Are you for or against opening the Russian market more to foreign goods?

Slide #510 - Q. Are you for or against opening the Russian market more to foreign goods?

Slide #511 - Q. What happens when power in the country is held for many years by the same people?

Slide #512 - Q. If Putin retains substantial influence on Russian politics for many more years, would

Slide #513 - Q. To whom should supreme power in Russia belong, to the president, the government

Slide #514 - Q. To whom should supreme power in Russia belong, to the president, the government

Slide #515 - Q. Who should form the Government of Russia?

Slide #516 - Q. Who should form the Government of Russia?

Slide #517 - Q. Would you agree with the opinion that the political system in Russia ressembles more

Slide #518 - Q. Would you agree with the opinion that the political system in Russia ressembles more

Slide #519 - Q. Do you agree with those who say that United Russia is the CPSU of today?

Slide #520 - Q. What do you think of the idea of declaring Putin a �national leader� whose influence on public affairs will be realized without recourse to the institutions of state power, and conferred on him by means of specially convened �citizens� assembly�?

Slide #521 - How do you relate to the following changes to the legilsation on elections to the Russian State Duma?

Slide #522 - (Only if named a candidate in 3b) Why do you intend to vote for this candidate?

Slide #523 - Q3. Do you think the "vertical of power" when all problems are solved according to commands from the Kremlin and the infuence of the government, Duma and parties is minimal, does more good or more harm?

Slide #524 - What do you expect most of all from a President that you could vote for? (Several answers possible)

Slide #525 - Do you think the presidential election on 2 March will be a real struggle for power between candidates or just the imitation of such a struggle, and the votes will be distributed according to decisions by the authorities?

Slide #526 - What do you think people surrounding Putin are concerned with more: the problems of the country or their personal material interests?

Slide #527 - What type of state would you want to see in Russia in future?

Slide #528 - When you hear about a "special Russian path" what comes to your mind?

Slide #529 - Q. To what extent do you think the citizens of developed countries in a) the West and b) Russia can control the activities of state organs?

Slide #530 - Do you think the democratic system accepted in the West is suitable for Russia?

Slide #531 - Do you think Russia is now actively moving on the path of democracy?

Slide #532 - What do you think is most important to be able to speak about democracy in the country?

Slide #533 - Do you think the state should have complete control over the coverage of public and political events on television, or should their be independent TV channels?

Slide #534 - Do you think that Russia is now fully open to other countries?

Slide #535 - Would you prefer Russia in future to be more open for other countries?

Slide #536 - How do you think most developed countries in the world relate to Russia now?

Slide #537 - Q. Do you think the presidential election on 2 March will be a real struggle for power between candidates or just the imitation of such a struggle, and the votes will be distributed according to decisions by the authorities?

Slide #538 - Result of 2008 Election Compared to 2004

Slide #539 - What course do you think Russia should follow in present circumstances? Return to what it had under the Soviet regime; strengthen the state role in the economy and social protection; continue reforms; gradually reducing state role in economy; quickly and decisively implement reforms already started

Slide #540 - A) In whose hands do you think real power in this country lies?

Slide #541 - Do you think the national interests of Russia and the USA by and large coincide, or do you think they diverge in almost everything?

Slide #542 - Q. Do you think Russians are the same as other people, or do you think they are very much a special people?

Slide #543 - Q. What are your feelings on the whole towards the following nationalities?

Slide #544 - Q. To what extent would you agree with the statement that it would be better if people married only people of their own nationality?

Slide #545 - Q. To what extent would you agree with the statement that it would be better if people of different nationalities lived apart, each in their own territory?

Slide #546 - Q. To what extent would you agree with the statement that it is possible to feel safe only when most people surrounding you are of your own nationality?

Slide #547 - Q. To what extent do you agree with the statement that it\'s necessary to let foreigners living in Russia know that it\'s not desirable for there to be too many of them?

Slide #548 - Q. To what extent do you agree with the statement that the penetration of other cultures and languages into Russia can harm Russian national culture and the Russian language?

Slide #549 - Q. Do you think the majority of [people of the following nationalities] have more, the same or less money money than the average person in Russia?

Slide #550 - Q. Would you say that amongst the [people of the following nationalities] living in Russia there are many who try to live at the expense of people like you?

Slide #551 - Q. To what extent would you agree with the statement that [people of the following nationalities] who are citizens of Russia should have the right to vote and be elected to any elected state post on a par with Russians?

Slide #552 - Q. In whose hands do you think real power in this country lies?

Slide #553 - Q2. A) Do you think Western countries in NATO have good reason to fear Russia? B) Do you think Russia has good reason to fear Western countries in NATO?

Slide #554 - Q2. A) Do you think Western countries in NATO have good reason to fear Russia? B) Do you think Russia has good reason to fear Western countries in NATO?

Slide #555 - Q. What do you think is the main reason for the conflict in South Ossetia?

Slide #556 - Q. Why do you think Georgia tried to use force against South Ossetia?

Slide #557 - Q. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the solution to the South Ossetian crisis should be international, with the participation of the European Union and UN?

Slide #558 - Q. With which of the following opinions concerning the actions of the Russian leadership in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict would you most agree?

Slide #559 - Q. Why do you think Western leaders support Georgia in the South Ossetian conflict?

Slide #560 - Q. Do you think the situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia is getting worse or that tension is receding and peaceful life is being established?

Slide #561 - Q. Do you think Russia should leave its troops in South Ossetia or do you think it should withdraw them from there?

Slide #562 - Q. Do you think the recognition by Russia of South Ossetia and Abkhazia will be beneficial or harmful to Russia, or do you think it will be neither?

Slide #563 - Q. What do you think about the idea of incorporating South Ossetia and Abkhazia into the Russian Federation?

Slide #564 - Q. Do you think sanctions with which Western countries are threatening Russia in connection with her policy towards Georgia could exert serious influence on Russia?

Slide #565 - Q. How would you assess the situation in the North Caucasus (in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, and other national republics of that region)?

Slide #566 - Q. How on the whole do you feel about the European Union?

Slide #567 - Q. How on the whole do you feel about Ukraine?

Slide #568 - Q. How on the whole do you feel about Georgia?

Slide #569 - Q. How big a threat would Ukraine\'s joining NATO represent to the security of Russia?

Slide #570 - Q. How big a threat would Georgia\'s joining NATO represent to the security of Russia?

Slide #571 - Q. Which of the following opinions about Russia\'s relations with other countries is closer to yours?

Slide #572 - Q1. Have you heard anything about the financial crisis in Russia? If yes, with which of these opinions would you most agree?

Slide #573 - Q2. To what extent would you say the current financial crisis in Russia can be considered the result of the economic policy of Russia\'s leaders in recent years?

Slide #574 - Q3. To what extent would you say the current financial crisis in Russia can be considered the result of the world financial crisis?

Slide #575 - Q4. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to delays in payment of salaries?

Slide #576 - Q5. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to pay cuts?

Slide #577 - Q6. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to job losses or redundancies at your place of work?

Slide #578 - Q7. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to closure of the enterprise where you work?

Slide #579 - Q8. Which of the following forms of investment seem to you the most reliable? (more than one answer allowed)

Slide #580 - Q9. Which of the following forms of investment seem to you the most profitable? (more than one answer allowed)

Slide #581 - Q10. Do you have any savings, and if yes, have you done anything to protect them in the current conditions?

Slide #582 - Q. Are you for or against increasing the presidential term from four to six years?

Slide #583 - Q. Are you for or against increasing the term of the Duma from four to five years?

Slide #584 - Q4. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to delays in payment of salaries?

Slide #585 - Q5. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to pay cuts?

Slide #586 - Q6. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to job losses or redundancies at your place of work?

Slide #587 - Q1a. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Mass unemployment

Slide #588 - Q1b. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Spread of strikes

Slide #589 - Q1c. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Big corruption scandals and resignations of ministers

Slide #590 - Q1d. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? An economic crisis like in 1998

Slide #591 - Q1e. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Mass disturbances and protests against the authorities\' economic policies

Slide #592 - Q1f. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Worsening of the situation in the North Caucasus

Slide #593 - Q1g. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Sharp deterioration in the availability of food products

Slide #594 - Q1h. Do you think any of the following are possible this year? Armed conflict with a neighbouring country

Slide #595 - Q. Who do you think is to blame for the current financial and economic crisis in Russia or what do you think caused it? (More than one answer acceptable)

Slide #596 - Q14-t. How would you assess the situation in the North Caucasus (in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and other national republics of that region)?

Slide #597 - Q. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to short-time working at your place of work?

Slide #598 - Q7-t. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to short-time working at your place of work?

Slide #599 - welfare; financial crisis; economy; compulsory unpaid leave

Slide #600 - Q8. As far as you and members of your family are concerned, do you expect the current crisis to lead to compulsory unpaid leave at your place of work?

Slide #601 - Q. Name the five countries which you would regard as the closest friends and allies of Russia

Slide #602 - Q. Name the five countries which you would regard as the most unfriendly and hostile to Russia

Slide #603 - Q1b-t. How on the whole do you feel about the European Union?

Slide #604 - Q1c-t. How on the whole do you feel about Ukraine?

Slide #605 - Q1d-t. How on the whole do you feel about Georgia?

Slide #606 - Q17. If on the 1st of May there were mass demonstrations in your city, would you like to participate in demonstrations to:

Slide #607 - Q9. During the past three months, has the management asked you to work short time or less than a full working week, and if so for how long?

Slide #608 - Q10. During the past three months, has the management asked you to take unpaid leave due to a lack of work at the enterprise or organization, and if so for how long?

Slide #609 - Q11. During the past three months, have there been mass layoffs or redundancies at the enterprise or organization where you work?

Slide #610 - Q1. Do you think it would be better to keep compulsory universal military service (the draft), or do you think that it would be better to move to the formation of a contract army composed of those who wish to serve in the army for pay?

Slide #611 - Q2. If someone from your family was called up to serve in the army, would you rather that he served or would you look for some way to avoid serving in the army?

Slide #612 - Q3. Do you think Russia�s leadership should keep and try to finance the current million-strong army, or do you think, it would be better to cut numbers decisively and use the money saved to equip it with the latest weaponry?

Slide #613 - Q. Do you think Russia needs democracy?

Slide #614 - Q-t. Do you think Russia needs democracy?

Slide #615 - Q. What kind of democracy does Russia need?

Slide #616 - Q.-t. What kind of democracy does Russia need?

Slide #617 - Q13a. Approximately what share of your household�s income goes on food?

Slide #618 - Q13b. Do you or your relatives have a plot of land where you grow potatoes, vegetables, fruit, raise chickens, livestock etc?

Slide #619 - Q13c. (1) What do you grow or raise on this plot of land? (2) Is it enough for your household�s needs for a year? (3) Do you sell any of the produce?

Slide #620 - Q1. If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, would you vote and which of the current politicians would you vote for? (NB: open list)

Slide #621 - Q1-t. For which of the following parties would you be most likely to vote if there were elections to the State Duma next Sunday? (One answer)

Slide #622 - Q1. Were there any regional or local elections in your region (city, district) last Sunday 11 October?

Slide #623 - Q2. (If elections held) Did you vote in these regional or local elections, and if yes, for what party?

Slide #624 - Q3. (If elections held) Do you think there were violations in the organization of the elections and vote count, and if yes, how serious were they?

Slide #625 - Q4. Do you think the elections on 11 October can be recognized as reflecting the opinion of the population of Russia?

Slide #626 - Q7. Do you think Russia needs social movements, parties, which are in opposition to the President and government and can exert an important inlfluence on the life of the country?

Slide #627 - Q8. Which of the following approaches to the problem of human rights do you think is the most correct?

Slide #628 - Q9. With which of the following points of view abut social protection do you most agree?

Slide #629 - Q1-t. Do you think it would be better to keep compulsory universal military service (the draft), or do you think that it would be better to move to the formation of a contract army composed of those who wish to serve in the army for pay?

Slide #630 - Q2-t. If someone from your family was called up to serve in the army, would you rather that he served or would you look for some way to avoid serving in the army?

Slide #631 - Q3-t. Do you think Russia�s leadership should keep and try to finance the current million-strong army, or do you think, it would be better to cut numbers decisively and use the money saved to equip it with the latest weaponry?

Slide #632 - Q2. With which of the following statements about relations between Russia and Ukraine would you most agree?

Slide #633 - Q2. With which of the following statements about relations between Russia and Ukraine would you most agree?

Slide #634 - Q3. Which candidate in the Ukrainian presidential election do you think would be better for Russia�s interests?

Slide #635 - Q1. Do you trust the law enforcement agencies (police, prosecutors) or do you, on the contrary, fear them?

Slide #636 - Q2. How serious do you think is the problem of lawlessness and poor discipline in the law enforcement agencies in contemporary Russia?

Slide #637 - Q1. How would you describe your relationship with the authorities (vlast�)?

Slide #638 - Q2. Do you think that people like you can influence state decisions in this country? Can you influence decisions in your region, city or district?

Slide #639 - Q3. Are you prepared to participate more actively in politics?

Slide #640 - Q4. Why don�t you want to participate more actively in politics?

Slide #641 - Q5. What sort of state would you like to see in Russia?

Slide #642 - Q6. What do you think would be better? [concentration or separation of powers]

Slide #643 - Q1. Do you think we should pay attention to criticism of our country from the West?

Slide #644 - Q2. Why do you think that we don�t need to pay attention to criticism from the West?

Slide #645 - Q1. In the last 3 years have you or your close friends or relations paid (or had extorted from you) a bribe, inducement or any other service when you were...

Slide #646 - Q2. Have you had to pay a bribe anywhere in the last 12 months?

Slide #647 - Q3. What was the size of the bribe you paid last time?

Slide #648 - Details not yet available.

Slide #649 - Details not yet available.

Slide #650 - Q1. What do you think Medvedev will be doing after the presidential elections of 2012?

Slide #651 - Q2. What do you think Medvedev should do after the presidential elections of 2012?

Slide #652 - Q3. What do you think Putin will be doing after the presidential elections of 2012?

Slide #653 - Q4. What do you think Putin should do after the presidential elections of 2012?

Slide #654 - Q. Do you approve signing of the new agreement between Russia and Ukraine on extending the presence of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol till 2042 in exchange for decrease of russian gaz prices which is supplied to Ukraine (up to 4 bln USD)?

Slide #655 - Q. Five most influential men in Russia

Slide #656 - Q. Five richest men in Russia

Slide #657 - Q. Do you support the opinion that Russia should restore its status of "Great Empire"?

Slide #658 - Q. Does present-day Russia have any enemies?

Slide #659 - Q. Who would you consider to be an enemy of Russia?

Slide #660 - Q. As you probably know, after a new trial, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were sentenced to another 14 years term in prison. In your opinion, was the trial just, honest and objective?

Slide #661 - Q. How did your trust in the court system change after this (Yukos) trial?

Slide #662 - Q. Do you think that it is possible to stabilize the situation in the North Caucasus, to restore order and peace?

Slide #663 - Q. Do you think that during the period of the Putin and Medvedev government, relations with the West have improved or become worse?

Slide #664 - Q. Do you think that during the period of the Putin and Medvedev government, relations with the CIS countries have improved or become worse?

Slide #665 - Q. Which of the following statements reflect your willingness to vote in the elections to the State Duma at the end of this year?

Slide #666 - Q. If a petition for granting a pardon to Khodorkovsky and Lebedev is sent to Dmitry Medvedev - would you prefer that the President approved it or not?

Slide #667 - Q. With which problems in our society are you concerned most of all?

Slide #668 - Q. Do you think that we are currently experiencing the most difficult times or are they already behind or ahead of us?

Slide #669 - Q. Do you think the financial crisis has already finished?

Slide #670 - Q. Do you think that the current high oil prices benefit or harm Russia?

Slide #671 - Q. Who would you like to see as the President of Russia after the 2012 elections?

Slide #672 - Q. In your opinion, did the policy of \'perestroika\' initiated in 1985 bring more benefit or harm?

Slide #673 - Q. What were the main results of the reforms which were initiated in the country from April 1985 onwards?

Slide #674 - Q4. What is your attitude towards M. Gorbachev?

Slide #675 - Q2. How many political parties does Russia need now?

Slide #676 - Q3. In which party\\\'s interests do you think the election will be manipulated?

Slide #677 - Q4. If elections to the State Duma took place next Sunday, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your intention to vote?

Slide #678 - Q5. Do you think that elections to the State Duma this year will be on the whole conducted according law and honest, or do you think they will be dirty (marred by slander, pressure on voters and machinations with ballot papers, etc.)?

Slide #679 - Results of 2012 elections compared to 2008

Slide #680 - Q1.If presidential elections took place next Sunday, which of the following statements would most accurately reflect your intention to vote?

Slide #681 - Q2.Why are you not planning to vote or doubtful about doing so? [several responses permitted; as percent of those unlikely to vote in Q1]

Slide #682 - Q3.Would ypu vote in the presidential election, and if so for which of the following possible candidates?

Slide #683 - Q4. How sure are you that you will vote for that candidate? (Only if named a candidate in Q3 above)

Slide #684 - Q5. Why do you intend to vote for this candidate? [several responses permitted; as percent of those unlikely to vote in Q3]

Slide #685 - Q7. Who do you think will become the next President of Russia?

Slide #686 - The extent to which Russians meet their obligations to the state

Slide #687 - Who would be hurt the most by American and Western Europe sanctions on Russia?

Slide #688 - Which of the following qualities, according to you, are the most typical for Ukrainians?

Slide #689 - Areas in which Putin was least successful

Slide #690 - Should Transdnistria be a part of Moldova or should it be an independent state?

Slide #691 - Should Crimea be a part of Russia, a part of Ukraine, or an independent state?

Slide #692 - Was the Chechen War successful or unsuccessful, given its level of violence and the number of casualties?

Slide #693 - Informational war against Ukraine

Slide #694 - Who curerntly holds real power in Ukraine?

Slide #695 - Feelings about the decision to join Crimea and the Russian Federation

Slide #696 - Does Russia currently interfere in the events in Ukraine?

Slide #697 - Does Russia bear responsibility for the blood shedding, killings of people in Eastern Ukraine?

Slide #698 - What do you think about political future of Southeastern Ukraine (Donetsk, Lugansk regions)(options)?

Slide #699 - Details not yet available.

Slide #700 - Details not yet available.

Slide #701 - Did your family incur any problems related to the ban on imported food from the EU and the US?

Slide #702 - Delays in wages

Slide #703 - Do you know Barack Obama and what is your attitude towards him?

Slide #704 - Do you know Angela Merkel and what is your attitude towards her?

Slide #705 - How has the attitude abroad towards Russia and Russians changed in the last six months?

Slide #706 - Free person?

Slide #707 - Do you think you have any personal influence on political and economic life in Russia?

Slide #708 - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: "It is better for me to be a citizen of Russia than of any other state"?

Slide #709 - Which of the following opinions concerning the current conflict between Russia and the West you are most likely to agree with?

Slide #710 - Do you approve of Crime annexation?

Slide #711 - What do you think about Russian volunteers fighting along with separatists in Eastern Ukraine?

Slide #712 - Which of the following scenarios of unfolding events in Eastern Ukraine would you prefer?

Slide #713 - In case of renewed militarized action, should Russian army be deployed in Ukraine?

Slide #714 - According to you, what led to the Ukrainian crisis at the end of last year?

Slide #715 - What was the primary reason for people to protest in Maidan?

Slide #716 - Are you worried about the Western political and economic sanctions towards Russia?

Slide #717 - Who do you think the current Western sanctions are aimed at?

Slide #718 - Did your family incur any problems related to the Western sanctions against Russia?

Slide #719 - How, according to you, should Russia react to the Western sanctions?

Slide #720 - What is your personal attitude towards Ukraine's associate membership in the European Union?

Slide #721 - Do you think that Russian authorities follow the Russian Constitution?

Slide #722 - Do you regret the USSR dissolution?

Slide #723 - Do you think the USSR dissolution was inevitable or could it be avoided?

Slide #724 - Do you approve the agreement made by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus on 08.12.1991 about the termination of the USSR?

Slide #725 - Based on what do you regret the USSR dissolution? (as a percentage of those who regrets)

Slide #726 - How would you assess the current relations between Russia and other CIS countries?

Slide #727 - Do you know which countries, except Russia, are the members of the CIS?

Slide #728 - Which form of relations between the ex-USSR republics would you personally support?

Slide #729 - What do you think, did Nikolai the Second bring Russia more good or more bad?

Slide #730 - What do you think, did Grigory Rasputin bring Russia more good or more bad?

Slide #731 - What do you think, did Vladimir Lenin bring Russia more good or more bad?

Slide #732 - What do you think, did Lev Trotsky bring Russia more good or more bad?

Slide #733 - What do you think, did "the whites" of the Civil War bring Russia more good or more bad?

Slide #734 - What do you think, were Brezhnev's times a period of successful development of the country or a period of stagnation?

Slide #735 - What is your current attitude towards Boris Yeltsin?

Slide #736 - What do you think, what kind of role did Stalin play in the life of our country?

Slide #737 - What do you think about the political future of Southeastern Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk regions) and which option would you prefer?

Slide #738 - How, according to you, should Russia react to the Western sanctions?

Slide #739 - Did your family incur any problems related to the Western sanctions against Russia?

Slide #740 - Approve of Crimea?

Slide #741 - Can your family incur any problems related to the Western sanctions against Russia?

Slide #742 - Do other countries pose a military threat to Russia?

Slide #743 - Conscribed?

Slide #744 - Details not yet available.

Slide #745 - Details not yet available.

Slide #746 - Details not yet available.

Slide #747 - Details not yet available.

Slide #748 - Details not yet available.

Slide #749 - Details not yet available.

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