Russia's place in the world
South Ossetia & Abkhazia
- Q1. Main reason for conflict in South Ossetia
- Q2. Why Georgia decided to use force
- Q3. Should solution be internationalized?
- Q4. Assessment of Russian actions
- Q5. Why did Western countries support Georgia?
- Q6. Assess situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia
- Q7. Should Russia withdraw its troops from South Ossetia
- Q8. Will recognition of South Ossetia & Abkhazia help or harm Russia?
- Q9. What about incorporating South Ossetia & Abkhazia into Russia?
- Q10. Could Western sanctions influence Russia?
- Q1. View of Taleban
- Q2. What should Russia's position be if wider conflict develops?
- Q3. Could military operation in Afghanistan turn into World War III?
- Q4. What do Russians understand by World War III?
- Q5. Will military operation in Afghanistan destabilize Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?
- Q6. Will military operation in Afghanistan get rid of international terrorism?
- Q7. Will military operation in Afghanistan lead to new terrorist acts in other countries, including Russia?
- Q8. Assessing progress of the US/British action in Afghanistan
- Q9. Assessing situation in Afghanistan
- Q10. Anxiety about US military presence in Central Asia
- Q11. Support for US/British attacks on Afghanistan
- Q1. Support for US occupation of Iraq
- Q2. Perceived US motives for campaign in Iraq
- Q3. Reaction to US campaign in Iraq
- Q4. What price paid for US success in Iraq?
- Q6. What has America brough to Iraq?
- Q7. How did President Putin respond to the US campaign in Iraq?
- Q8. Assessments of Russia's role in the Iraq crisis
- Q9. Attack on Iraq justified if authorized by UN?
- Q10. Reaction if US attacks terrorist bases in Iraq, Libya or other countries?
- Q11. Was Russia right to support UN resolution mandating arms inspections?
- Q12. Russia's position in conflict between West and certain Arab countries
Do you think that Russia is now fully open to other countries?
Russia; openness; foreign influence; trade; culture; politics; investment

Would you prefer Russia in future to be more open for other countries?
Russia; openness; isolation; foreign influence; trade; politics; culture; investment

How do you think most developed countries in the world relate to Russia now?
Russia; West; partnership; cooperation; rivalry; competition; relations

Would you like to see Russia first and foremost a great power, respected and feared by other countries; or a country with a high standard of living, even if not one of the strongest countries in the world?
New Russia Barometer, XII, December, 2003

Q. Which of the following opinions about Russia\\'s relations with other countries is closer to yours?
Russia; strength; tolerance; international relations; peace; conflict; negotiation; force

Q. How on the whole do you feel about Georgia?
Georgia; Russia; international relations; conflict; war; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; territorial integrity; ethnic cleansing

Q. What do you think is the main reason for the conflict in South Ossetia?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership

Q. Why do you think Georgia tried to use force against South Ossetia?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; NATO; expansion; Saakashvili; territorial integrity

Q. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the solution to the South Ossetian crisis should be international, with the participation of the European Union and UN?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; European Union; United Nations; diplomacy; France; Sarkozy

Q. With which of the following opinions concerning the actions of the Russian leadership in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict would you most agree?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; provocation; geopolitics; peacekeeping

Q. Why do you think Western leaders support Georgia in the South Ossetian conflict?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; Caucasus; military; civilian deaths; territorial integrity

Q. Do you think the situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia is getting worse or that tension is receding and peaceful life is being established?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russia; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; peace

Q. Do you think Russia should leave its troops in South Ossetia or do you think it should withdraw them from there?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russian; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; troops

Q. Do you think the recognition by Russia of South Ossetia and Abkhazia will be beneficial or harmful to Russia, or do you think it will be neither?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russian; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; diplomacy; recognition; Kosovo

Q. What do you think about the idea of incorporating South Ossetia and Abkhazia into the Russian Federation?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russian; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; annexation

Q. Do you think sanctions with which Western countries are threatening Russia in connection with her policy towards Georgia could exert serious influence on Russia?
United States of America; Georgia; US; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; Russian; influence; power; tension; conflict; war; divide and rule; leadership; diplomacy; sanctions

What do you think is happening right now in Chechnya?
Chechnya; war; peace; security; reconstruction; terrorism

Some say that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with Chechens on equal terms, while others say that they understand only the language of force, and will interpret attempts to conduct a dialogue as a sign of weakness. Which view is closest to your own?
Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, September, 2004

Which view is closer to your own: A) the Taleban are a threat to world civilization or B) the Taleban have the right to live according to their own laws and represent a threat no greater than the USA?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, October, 2001

What do you think Russia\\'s position should be in a conflict between NATO on the one hand and their opponents in the Muslim world (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.) on the other?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, September, 2001

Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to a new world war?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, October, 2001

When you speak about a Third World War, who do you think will be fighting with whom?
Third World War, fighting, VCIOM, 26-29 October, 2001

Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to the destabilization of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan?
military, operation, Afghanistan, Afghanistan , Uzbekistan , Tajikistan, VCIOM, 26-29 October, 2001

Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan will succeed on the whole in getting rid of the threat of international terrorism?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, October, 2001

Do you think the current military operation in Afghanistan could lead to new terrorist acts by muslim extremists in various countries, including Russia?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, October, 2001

How on the whole do you assess the progress of the operation in Afghanistan?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, November, 2001, January, 2002

How on the whole would you assess the current situation in Afghanistan?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, January, 2002

Are you worried by the strengthening of the US military presence in Central Asia?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, January, 2002

Do you support on the whole the military actions of the USA and Britain in Afghanistan?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, October, 2001, November

How on the whole do you feel about the United States?
New Russia Barometer, XII, December, 2003

What in your opinion was the purpose of the USA�s military action against Iraq?
Russia; USA; Iraq; UK; invasion; occupation

What is your attitude to the US military campaign in Iraq?
Russia; Iraq; USA; America; invasion; occupation

What was the price of US success in the Iraq war?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, April, 2003

What do you think the Americans have brought to Iraq?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, April, 2003

How on the whole do you think President Putin responded to the US military operation in Iraq?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, April, 2003

Which of the following assessments of the Russian leadership�s actions in the Iraq conflict would you agree with?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, April, 2003

Can an American military operation in Iraq be justified if Saddam Hussein does not accede to the demands of the UN Security Council regarding controls on production of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, September, 2002

Would you support military actions by the USA against countries in which the USA considers there to be terrorist bases, such as Iraq, Libya, Somalia and others?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, August, 2002

The UN security council adopted a resolution requiring Iraq to admit foreign observers to inspect its military facilities, or, in other words, to unconditionally and completely disarm. Was Russia right to support the resolution?
VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, November, 2002

Which of the following views of Middle Eastern countries is closest to your own?
Russia; Middle East; foreign policy; Israel; Syria; West; Arab

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