International Security - Trends
443With which countries do you think Russia should co-operate most of all in its foreign policy?
Levada Center (formerly VCIOM), 2003, 2004

How on the whole do you feel about the United States?
USA, America, US, relations

Q1b-t. How on the whole do you feel about the European Union?
Russia; EU; Europe; international relations; energy; security; trade

Q1c-t. How on the whole do you feel about Ukraine?
Ukraine; Russia; international relations; energy; security; trade; CIS

Q1d-t. How on the whole do you feel about Georgia?
Georgia; Russia; international relations; conflict; war; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; territorial integrity; ethnic cleansing

Which of the following do you think meets Russia�s interests better?
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, 1999, 2003

Q2. A) Do you think Western countries in NATO have good reason to fear Russia? B) Do you think Russia has good reason to fear Western countries in NATO?
NATO; Russia; security; threat; balance of fear; strategic equation; military; trend

What do you think is happening right now in Chechnya? (Trend)
Levada Center (formerly VCIOM), 2000, 2007

Q14-t. How would you assess the situation in the North Caucasus (in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and other national republics of that region)?
political situation; Chechnya; terrorism; islamism; instability; separatism

Some say that it is possible to conduct a dialogue with Chechens on equal terms, while others say that they understand only the language of force, and will interpret attempts to conduct a dialogue as a sign of weakness. Which view is closest to your own?
Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, September, 2004

How do you relate to the possible separation of Chechnya from Russia?
Levada Center (formerly VCIOM), 1999, 2006

Do you consider that it is necessary to continue military action in Chechnya or begin peaceful negotiations with the Chechen leadership?
Levada Center (formerly VCIOM), 1999, 2007

What in your opinion was the purpose of the USA�s military action against Iraq?
VCIOM, September, 2002, New Russia Barometer, XII, December, 2003

What is your attitude to the US military campaign in Iraq? (In January, the question asked about preparations for a military operation against Iraq)
, VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, 2003

Which of the following views of Middle Eastern countries is closest to your own?
Levada Center (formerly VCIOM), 2003, 2004

Q2. With which of the following statements about relations between Russia and Ukraine would you most agree?
Russia; Ukraine; relations; independence; integration

What do you think about the political future of Southeastern Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk regions) and which option would you prefer?
Levada Center

How, according to you, should Russia react to the Western sanctions?
Levada Center

Did your family incur any problems related to the Western sanctions against Russia?
Levada Center

Approve of Crimea?

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