Slide 001


Which of the parties on this list reflect your interests? Are there any other parties on the list that might do so? (Closed list of parties; several answers possible)

VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, February, 2000, Unity, Shoigu, Communist, Zyuganov, United Russia, Nemtsov, Right Forces, Yabloko, Yavlinsky, women of russia, fedulova, Liberal Democrats, Zhirinovsky, agrarian, lapshin, kharitonov, our home is russia, chernom yrdin, national, barkashov


Slide title: Which of the parties on this list reflect your interests? Are there any other parties on the list that might do so? (Closed list of parties; several answers possible)

Keywords: VCIOM, Nationwide Survey, February, 2000, Unity, Shoigu, Communist, Zyuganov, United Russia, Nemtsov, Right Forces, Yabloko, Yavlinsky, women of russia, fedulova, Liberal Democrats, Zhirinovsky, agrarian, lapshin, kharitonov, our home is russia, chernom yrdin, national, barkashov

Trend link: /duma/duma_vote_trends.html#008