Slide 410


Which of the following parties did you know about before today?

Communist, Zyuganov, Liberal Democrats, Zhirinovsky, United Russia, Gryzlov, Yabloko, Yavlinsky, Right Forces, Nemtsov, Agrarians, Lapshin, People\'s Party, Panfilov, Rebirth of Russia, Party of Life


Slide title: Which of the following parties did you know about before today?

Keywords: Communist, Zyuganov, Liberal Democrats, Zhirinovsky, United Russia, Gryzlov, Yabloko, Yavlinsky, Right Forces, Nemtsov, Agrarians, Lapshin, People's Party, Panfilov, Rebirth of Russia, Party of Life

Trend link: /duma/duma_vote_trends.html#490