Slide 273


What do you expect for yourself and your family from reforms in the following areas? (1=Only good; 5=only bad) B. And at what tempo do you think these reforms are going now? (1=Actively pursued; 4=Stalled). 8=Never heard of it; 9=Don�t know

military, judiciary, education, pensions, domestic energy supply, de-bureaucratisation, taxation, economy



Slide title: What do you expect for yourself and your family from reforms in the following areas? (1=Only good; 5=only bad) B. And at what tempo do you think these reforms are going now? (1=Actively pursued; 4=Stalled). 8=Never heard of it; 9=Don�t know

Keywords: military, judiciary, education, pensions, domestic energy supply, de-bureaucratisation, taxation, economy

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