International Security
- Q1a.Attitude to US
- Q1b.Attitude to EU
- Q1c.Attitude to Ukraine
- Q1d.Attitude to Georgia
- Q2. Mutual threat perceptions: Russia and NATO
- Q3. What should be Russia's policy toward NATO?
- Q4a. How big a threat: Ukraine joining NATO?
- Q4b. How big a threat: Georgia joining NATO?
- Q5. Russian and American interests convergent or divergent?
- 9/11 Attacks
How on the whole do you feel about the United States?
USA, America, relations, NATO
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Q. How on the whole do you feel about the European Union?
Russia; EU; Europe; international relations; energy; security; trade
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Q. How on the whole do you feel about Ukraine?
Ukraine; Russia; international relations; energy; security; trade; CIS
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Q. How on the whole do you feel about Georgia?
Georgia; Russia; international relations; conflict; war; Abkhazia; South Ossetia; territorial integrity; ethnic cleansing
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Q2. A) Do you think Western countries in NATO have good reason to fear Russia? B) Do you think Russia has good reason to fear Western countries in NATO?
NATO; Russia; threat; perception; security; balance of fear; strategic equation; military
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Which of the following do you think meets Russia�s interests better?
Russia; NATO; cooperation; strategic
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Q. How big a threat would Ukraine\\'s joining NATO represent to the security of Russia?
Ukraine; Russia; international relations; NATO; United States of America; Europe; security; bloc; Cold War
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Q. How big a threat would Georgia\\'s joining NATO represent to the security of Russia?
Russia; Georgia; international relations; security; United States of America; NATO; Europe; Cold War; bloc
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Do you think the national interests of Russia and the USA by and large coincide, or do you think they diverge in almost everything?
Russia, USA, national interests, strategy, conflict
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