Voting Behaviour - 2008 Presidential Campaign
- Q1. Which candidate vote for next Sunday (open list)?
- Q2a. Should Putin stay on or bow out?
- Q2b. Will the election be competitive?
- Q3a. Intention to vote
- Q3b. Which candidate vote for next Sunday (closed list, excluding Putin)?
- Q3c. How sure of vote?
- Q3d. Reason for vote
- Q3e. Expectations of preferred candidate
- Q4. Least favoured candidates
- Q5. Chances of preferred candidate
- Q6. Who will be next president?
- Q7. Broad political outlook
Q1. If a new presidential election was held next Sunday, would you vote and which of the current politicians would you vote for? (NB: open list)
2008; president; election; campaign; voting; Putin; Medvedev; Zyuganov; Zhirinovsky

According to the constitution, Vladimir Putin cannot take part in the presidential elections in 2008. What should he do in this situation?
constitution, Putin, ineligible, candidate, third term, president, Levada Center, 18 - 21 August, 2006

Do you think the presidential election on 2 March will be a real struggle for power between candidates or just the imitation of such a struggle, and the votes will be distributed according to decisions by the authorities?
vote; president; fairness; competitiveness; power

If presidential elections took place next Sunday, which of the following statements would most accurately reflect your intention to vote?
intention to vote; turnout; likelihood to vote; president

Who would you vote for in Russian presidential elections if Putin did not take part, or would you not vote, or vote against all?
Russian presidential elections, Putin, vote, Levada Center, 16 - 19 February, 2007

How sure are you that you will vote for that candidate?
vote; candidate; preference; sure; settled

(Only if named a candidate in 3b) Why do you intend to vote for this candidate?
Personal qualities (frankness, honesty, etc.) Close to/Liked by Putin Stands for restoring the system of social protection for workers and pensioners Can ensure order in the country better than others Stands for fair redistribution of wealth in the country, reducing income gaps Defends the interests of ethnic Russians There is no one else/no one better etc. Represents the political party/bloc which I support Supports strengthening the role of the state in the economy Stands for fast economic reforms and against state interference in the economy Resists the spreading influence and domination of the West

What do you expect most of all from a President that you could vote for? (Several answers possible)
chechen war, russa great, law and order, income, reform, economy, social protection, reunification, rapprochement West

Which of the following would you NOT wish to see as President of Russia? Who else? (Several responses possible, closed list of seventeen politicians)
vote; president; least favoured; candidate; Zhirinovsky; Yavlinsky; Nemtosv; Zyuganov; Kasyanov; Zubkov; Medvedev; Ivanov

What do you think are the chances of the candidate for whom you intend to vote at the coming elections?
president; vote; chances; winner; candidate

Who do you think will become the next President of Russia? (show card; only one reply allowed)
president; Russia; future; winner; candidate

Which of the following parties or political outlooks do you most sympathize with?
political, outlooks, sympathize, Levada Center

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