Putin's performance in office - Trends
190On the whole do you approve or disapprove of the performance of
approve, dissaprove, performance, Putin, Government, Duma, Levada Center, VCIOM, 2000 - 2006

What marks on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)do you give to the performance of
marks, highest, lowest, Putin, Fradkov, Levada Center, VCIOM, 2000 - 2007

Q. Is the fact that almost all power in this country is concentrated in the hands of Vladimir
power; Putin; concentration; centralization; authoritarianism; dictatorship

Do you think that the present authorities will in the near future be able to make any changes in the situation of the country?
current authorities, change situation, country, near future, Levada Center, VCIOM, 1999 - 2007

Do you think that the level of stealing and corruption in the country has changed since Putin was elected president, by comparison with what it was during Yeltsin\\'s rule?
stealing, corruption, Putin, Yeltsin, Levada Center, VCIOM, 2000 - 2006

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