National Issues


How would you evaluate in general the political situation in Russia?

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007



Do you think that Russia is developing in a right direction or that events lead us in a wrong direction, to a deadend? 1) It�s going in a right direction; 2) Events lead us to a deadend; 3) Don�t know.

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, February, 2007



What do you think awaits Russia in the forthcoming months in politics?

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007



Here is a scale ranging from a low of 1 to a high of 10: 1 means complete dictatorship and 10 means complete democracy. A) Where would you like our country to be? B) Where would you place our country before perestroika? C) Where would you place our country at the present time?

, June, 2003, New Russia Barometer II



Table 1. Russians feel freer than under the old regime
Q. Compared to our system of government before perestroyka, would you say that our current system is better, much the same, or not so good as the old system in regard to whether:
  1993 94 96 96 98 00 00 01 04 Change
Everybody has freedom of choice in religious matters
Better 71 83 80 80 79 83 84 88 84 13
Much the same 29 15 17 16 16 14 14 11 14 -15
Worse 6 2 3 4 5 2 2 1 2 -4
Everybody has a right to say what they think
Better 65 73 74 76 73 79 81 78 81 16
Much the same 27 18 21 20 21 15 13 16 16 -11
Worse 8 8 6 4 6 5 6 6 3 -5
One can join any organization one likes
Better 63 77 82 79 75 77 76 81 83 20
Much the same 28 18 14 15 18 16 17 15 12 -16
Worse 9 5 3 5 7 6 6 4 5 -4
Everyone can decide individually whether or not to take an interest in politics
Better 57 62 69 63 66 70 73 81 76 19
Much the same 39 33 27 32 27 23 23 16 20 -19
Worse 4 5 4 4 7 6 4 3 3 -1
Source: New Russia Barometers II to XIII

Table 2. Trends in the evaluation of regimes
Q. Here is a scale evaluating how well our political system works. The top, plus 100, is the best and the bottom, minus 100, is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
  1992 93 94 95 96a 96b 98 00a 00b 01 03a 03b 04 Change
Q. The political system before perestroyka?
Positive 50 62 51 67 59 60 72 73 70 72 70 70 65 15
Neutral 13 12 13 15 19 10 9 10 7 11 8 9 8 -5
Negative 37 26 36 18 22 30 18 16 22 17 21 22 27 -20
Mean 7 18 4 28 22 17 32 36 31 34 29 29 24 17
St dev 54 57 58 51 55 58 53 52 55 50 53 54 53 -1
Q. Our present system of governing?
Positive 14 36 35 26 28 38 36 39 37 47 57 64 65 41
Neutral 12 14 16 20 26 16 16 15 14 16 11 10 10 -2
Negative 74 49 48 54 46 47 48 45 48 37 32 25 25 -49
Mean -41 -16 -13 -24 -19 -12 -16 -11 -13 -2 4 14 12 53
St dev 44 51 51 49 48 48 50 55 51 50 48 47 42 -2
Q. The system of governing we will have in five years?
Positive 50 52 49 40 43 57 49 64 72 62 65 72 88 38
Neutral 13 24 33 28 37 17 22 19 13 17 14 14 4 -9
Negative 37 24 17 31 20 25 29 17 15 21 21 14 8 -29
Mean 2 10 15 0 8 14 7 25 26 20 21 33 43 41
St dev 52 53 48 49 45 54 51 50 44 50 51 47 37 -15
Source: New Russia Barometers II to XIII


How would you estimate Russia�s present economic situation?

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007



What do you think Russia can expect in the economy in the coming several months?

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007



Do you think that now market reforms should be continued or that they should be ceased?

, Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007



Which of these statements are you more inclined to agree with, and how much? State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise OR An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs?

New Russia Barometer XII, December, 2003


Table 3. Trends in the evaluation of the economic system
Q. Here is a scale evaluating how well an economy works. The top, plus 100, is the best and the bottom, minus 100, is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
  92 93 94 95 96a 96b 98 00a 00b 01 03a 03b 04 Ch
Q. The economic system before the start of perestroika?
Positive 62 75 61 79 72 71 81 83 82 80 76 73 70 8
Neutral 12 9 12 10 14 11 8 7 5 7 5 5 8 -4
Neg. 26 16 27 11 14 20 11 10 13 13 19 22 21 -5
Mean 19 37 16 44 37 32 44 47 45 44 34 33 29 10
Std dev. 50 50 53 45 48 52 45 43 56 46 50 53 51 1
Q. Our present economic system?
Positive 9 29 14 16 22 29 31 31 29 41 52 57 60 51
Neutral 9 14 10 15 19 11 13 10 10 12 11 10 9 0
Neg. 82 56 76 68 58 60 56 59 62 47 37 32 30 -52
Mean -51 -24 -46 -39 -29 -25 -26 -27 -30 -12 -2 5 8 59
Std dev 40 48 46 46 48 51 50 54 51 51 47 48 41 1
Q. Our economic system in five years time?
Positive 42 51 44 37 40 52 45 58 64 61 66 71 85 43
Neutral 18 23 25 24 33 15 20 17 12 13 11 13 6 -12
Neg. 40 26 31 40 27 33 34 24 24 27 22 16 9 -31
Mean -3 9 1 -11 2 5 0 14 16 16 19 30 39 42
Std dev. 53 53 54 52 48 57 53 53 51 52 49 46 37 -16
Source: New Russia Barometers I to XIII


Do you personally use the Internet (apart from electronic mail) at home, at work or in any other place? If yes, how often?

Levada Center, Nationwide Survey, January, 2007


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